thanks God, there's finaly goo news ^o^
siang itu Bu Alwi dateng n ngabarin "Senin police line udah bisa dibuka"
whats! ngliat Bu Alwi datang aja udah such a good news, apalagi dikabarin kayak gitu.
Ibu-nya prepare mo ngebicarain segala sesuatu persiapan re-opened... tapi masih tertunda ma yang lagi persiapan rekreasi ato kalo ga persiapan ngilang kalik... wedew... huekekeke...
anyway, i'm gonna miss that Dream Team... tim OP darurat selama 2 minggu ini... bersama mas Opick, mas Gidi, Ferdi, Ugik, Imam, juga Pipit. dengan jadwal ang saling kompromi and harap maklum. dengan stock2an yang acak kadul, lama dan ang penting beres. apalagi ama si amplop uang haram, huaakkaka...
ya sutra lah.. ni juga lagi wait n see mana aja yang bisa buka ato kalo ga sapa aja juga yang bakal segera dipanggil..
see ya...
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
gonna miss that Dream Team
Sunday, June 10, 2007
thanks God.. its really continued
that Saturday morning.. now i know why baksobaby guy leave an offline message like that at my ym!
i was called that day and asked bout my willingness to help this Group, and so my other friends too. there is a next chapter... here at the one and only that left from this Group, at RayaJetisNet.
so here we are together try to rebuild from zero to hero again.. running this Group in new version. hoping all yesterday Crew can gather again at this Group.
if Harry Potter having that Order of Phoenix chapter, and so this Group.. at the moment we have mbak Ephy, mas Duwek, mas Kopler, om Isya, ko aMing, Pipit, mas Opick, mas Gidi, Imam, Ferdi, Ugik, Pakde, mas Irawan, Risma and Dian.
the Boss also hoping that soon the other will join this Group again, after all that police line matter clear already.